WireGuard VPN

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WireGuard Server

WireGuard Server: Debian

WireGuard Client

WireGuard Client: Debian

Instal·ladors del client de WireGuard per altres sistemes operatius

Instal·lació de la VPN WireGuard a Raspberry Pi OS

WireGuard Client: Raspberry Pi OS

  • Des del terminal de la Raspberry Pi:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install wireguard
  • Aneu al servidor WireGuard (no a la Raspberry Pi) i copieu la clau pública:
$ sudo wg show wg0
interface: wg0
 public key: kj***************************************0Q=
 private key: (hidden)
 listening port: 51820
  • Torneu al terminal de la Raspberry Pi:
(umask 077 && wg genkey > wg-private.key)
wg pubkey < wg-private.key > wg-public.key
cat wg-private.key
cat wg-public.key 
sudo nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf

Aquest ha de ser el contingut de l'arxiu /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf:

# define the local WireGuard interface (client)

# contents of file wg-private.key that was recently created
PrivateKey = 4H***************************************E0=

# define the remote WireGuard interface (server)

# contents of wg-public.key on the WireGuard server
PublicKey = kj***************************************0Q=

# the IP address of the server on the WireGuard network 
# AllowedIPs =
AllowedIPs =, ::/0

PersistentKeepalive = 25

# public IP address and port of the WireGuard server
Endpoint = 51.1*.**.**:51820

Feu un nou arxiu anomenat /etc/network/interfaces.d/wg0:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces.d/wg0

I poseu aquest contingut (amb la IP de la VPN Wireguard per a aquesta Raspberry Pi):

# indicate that wg0 should be created when the system boots, and on ifup -a
auto wg0

# describe wg0 as an IPv4 interface with static address
iface wg0 inet static

       # the IP address of this client on the WireGuard network

       # before ifup, create the device with this ip link command
       pre-up ip link add $IFACE type wireguard

       # before ifup, set the WireGuard config from earlier
       pre-up wg setconf $IFACE /etc/wireguard/$IFACE.conf

       # after ifdown, destroy the wg0 interface
       post-down ip link del $IFACE
  • Aneu al servidor WireGuard (no a la Raspberry Pi) i editeu l'arxiu /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf (sudo nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf) afegint-hi al final:
# define the remote WireGuard interface (client)

# contents of file wg-public.key on the WireGuard client
PublicKey = Tu***************************************TE=

# the IP address of the client on the WireGuard network
AllowedIPs =

I actualitzeu el servidor de la VPN WireGuard:

sudo wg syncconf wg0 /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
  • Torneu al terminal de la Raspberry Pi:
sudo ifup wg0

Verifiqueu que podeu veure la interfície de xarxa wg0:

ip address show dev wg0

Verifiqueu que hi ha hagut tràfic entre el servidor de la VPN WireGuard i el client (a la Raspberry Pi):

sudo wg show wg0

WireGuard a Android

Client d'Android de l'aplicació WireGuard

  • Per a crear les claus privada i pública per a Android des del servidor:

Generating WireGuard QR codes for fast mobile deployments

  • Configuració de l'aplicació d'Android:

How to configure a WireGuard Android VPN Client

L'apartat Add your client to your server no m'ha funcionat. Per a que em funcioni he fet:

He afegit al final de l'arxiu /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf del servidor (l'adreça és la IP que tindrà el mòbil a la VPN WireGuard):


PublicKey = Fn***************************************RU=

AllowedIPs =

I al final li he dit a WireGuard que recarregui la nova configuració:

sudo wg syncconf wg0 /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf

Exemple de configuració

Al servidor

sudo wg show wg0
Server:~$ sudo wg show wg0

Arxiu /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf :

# define the WireGuard service

# contents of file wg-private.key that was recently created
PrivateKey = SD***************************************1Q=

# UDP service port; 51820 is a common choice for WireGuard
ListenPort = 51820

# define the remote WireGuard interface (client)

# contents of file wg-public.key on the WireGuard client
PublicKey = EG***************************************yI=

# the IP address of the client on the WireGuard network
AllowedIPs =

# define the remote WireGuard interface (client)

# contents of file wg-public.key on the WireGuard client
PublicKey = Pw***************************************gQ=

# the IP address of the client on the WireGuard network
AllowedIPs =

Al client

sudo cat /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
Client:~$ sudo cat /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf

Per a que hi hagi visibilitat entre diferents clients de la VPN cal comentar l'exclusivitat de connexió al servidor ( i permetre que altres hi puguin accedir ( I per a mantenir la persistència del túnel s'ha afegit PersistentKeepalive:

# AllowedIPs =
AllowedIPs =, ::/0

PersistentKeepalive = 25

A un client Android

Interfície correspon al mòbil

Parell (Peer) correspon al servidor a on és allotjada la VPN WireGuard

Podeu editar els valors prement la icona del llapis

Client Android