Why The Experts Are Wrong - Why Linda Mcmahon Can Win In The General Election

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With a shaky voting record and social beliefs far from the conservative median, McCain is certainly not the GOP's knight in shining armor. Talk radio has assailed him for abandoning the party on key issues and they're absolutely right.

Sandy Adams wins the 24th Congressional District race: Sandy Adams never quit. Not when she was running low on campaign funds, back in June. Not when the NRCC wasn't paying her any mind and not when the media made sure to point that out whenever possible.

Point is, money isn't always the answer to our problems. In fact, I built my home business on a shoestring budget. I spent less than $200 a month on my home business back in 2003 and still built it to quite a powerhouse. Yes, as I went along, I started to spend more. But I started with relatively very little. And not all my spending turned into profits. Sometimes you spend money on stuff and it just bombs out. Again, look at Mitt Romney.

Her verdict came down along with a lot of other Democrats that ran great races but came up short. It just wasn't the year to be in the same party as the President and Rick Scott never missed an opportunity to let the voters know that.

Also in the BCRA was the rule that advertisements paid for by a corporation (including non-profit organizations) could not use a candidates name within 30 days of a primary and 60 days of a general election. In effect the bill limited free speech, throwing out the first amendment and putting set rules on the speech of an organization. Sounds like big government to me.

malaysia election Jennifer Thompson wins Orange County District 4 Commissioner race: One of the best run campaigns in the region this year and the right way to combine social media and dato ramanan ramakrishnan pkr politics.

A home business is kind of like that. You can spend money on a lot of things such as web hosting, advertising, graphics, sales copy and "how to" products and a host of other things and all that spending still won't guarantee you success. Again, look at Mitt Romney. And we don't spend anywhere near what he did on our home business.

What to do with Herman Cain? Like Gingrich, he has an image to maintain. He may be setting himself up for a position in the GOP Party apparatus - just not as a candidate. Did we really expect him to be President after the elections next November? He has run a good race, picked up some worthwhile supporters (fair-weather fans?), and would fit in well as a fund-raiser and executive within the Party.