44 Of The Absolute Best Movies To Watch On Netflix

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On PC gaming platform Steam, Cult of the Lamb has seen hundreds of thousands of downloads, and while Wilton can't reveal the exact figures due to Massive Monster's backing by UK-listed Devolver Digital, pre-sales numbers show the game has already recouped its investment costs.

Dolemite Is My Name (2019)

Eddie Murphy returned from his acting break with a glorious performance as Rudy Ray Moore, a comedian who played a character called Dolemite in stand-up routines and blaxploitation films from the '70s. Dolemite Is My Name follows Moore from his job at a record store to the big screen. Tracking Moore's rise to fame and its bizarre and enthralling turns, Dolemite Is My Name does justice to both Moore's and Murphy's talents.

Dream makes YouTube videos and streams on Twitch and is best known for his Minecraft videos. His multiple YouTube channels have millions of subscribers, with 30.4 million subscribing to his main channel. He won YouTube's Streamy award for gaming in 2020 and 2021. 

Okja (2017)

2017's Okja comes from Parasite director Bong Joon-ho -- which should be incentive enough to watch it. Part cheeky dark comedy, part surreal environmental thriller, Okja follows a young South Korean farmer girl whose pet pal is a genetically enhanced super-pig. But Okja is the target of a big corporation that wants her delicious flesh. With an English supporting cast including the likes of Tilda Swinton and Jake Gyllenhaal, Okja sucks you in with its sweetness before showing you a distressing close-up of the meat industry.

creen. The PUBG Mobile tournament was part of Gamers8, a summer festival spotlighting Saudi Arabia's emergence as a global eSports dynamo -- one that officials hope can compete with powerhouses like China and So

He may not have shown his face before, but he's certainly faced some controversy, including a cheating accusation in 2020 involving speedruns. It's a long and complex issue that has a whole website devoted to it, if you're in need of more details.

The Call (2020)

Two movies named The Call came out in 2020. Watch the South Korean one, a time travel thriller revolving around, yep, a phone call. Twenty-eight-year-old Seo-yeon finds a phone buried in a closet in her childhood home. It rings -- and the caller, it turns out, is living in the same house 20 years earlier. Twists right up to the final moment, plus a wild cat-and-mouse chase that alters the past and present make this a must-watch.

But Bodo/Glimt's players were forced to make an unusual and unexpected alteration to their plans ahead of kick-off when their bus was stuck in traffic and struggled to negotiate the narrow north London streets near the Emirates.

Arsenal 3-0 Bodo/Glimt: Gunners maintain fine form with a... Mikel Arteta has 'no doubts' that William Saliba 'wants to... 'Mikel Arteta is right to set the bar high': Martin Keown... 'Everything he does is with purpose': 'Fantastic' Fabio...

Korea. Much like with Formula One and professional golf, the world's biggest oil exporter has in recent years leveraged its immense wealth to assert itself on the eSports stage, hosting glitzy conferences and snapping up established tournament o

Popular YouTuber Dream has been a household name among gamers for years -- but they never knew what he looked like. Until Sunday, when he revealed his face in a long-awaited video that earned more than 1 million views in under 45 minutes.

First They Killed My Father (2017)

The fifth film on Angelina Jolie's directing CV turned out to be her best. Based on Cambodian author and human rights activist Loung Ung's memoir, the biographical thriller recounts the horrors Ung suffered as a child under the rule of the deadly Khmer Rouge. With an empathetic lens framing a shocking story from the perspective of a child, First They Killed My Father is a unique war movie made with control and finesse.

Sunday's Illness (2018)

this contact form elegant Spanish film will steep you in its rich imagery and phenomenally good performances from its two leads. Susi Sánchez and Bárbara Lennie star as Anabel and Chiara respectively, an estranged mother and daughter who reunite for reasons that aren't as clear as they first seem. The precision of the filmmaking here is worthy of soaking up for those who are partial to deliberately paced meditations on pain, love and loss. Masterful.
mming. "One of the most amazing things for me is at our recent event, at Gamers8, the amount of young Saudi players who came up to me and said, 'We always loved watching these things, but we never thought we would have it here,'" he

orld." Gaming is also expected to be a major component of headline-grabbing development projects like the Red Sea megacity NEOM, with its planned 170-kilometre-long (105 miles) twin skyscrapers known as